I set up a MutationObserver for the document and its entire tree.
I did addEventListener for every property of document which starts with "on". I've looked for events and callbacks that might let the script detect any difference at all between successfully sending the conf:sip: to Windows and Skype versus opening that dialog and waiting for an answer. But I'd like to share it with coworkers, without the extra instructions of "after you've checked that opening links no longer creates that popup, go to the Tampermonkey dashboard, edit the script, and uncomment the window.close() line."
I can easily enough make sure Chrome on my computer will allow this, and use the script myself. But in the script shown, the replace() returns while the dialog is still open and waiting for input, and then window.close() gets rid of the tab and the dialog, before the user has any chance to answer it. If that has previously been permanently allowed, there's no issue. The trouble is that the first time someone tries to use a link with this script enabled, a popup dialog "Open URL:Conf protocol?" appears, asking whether Chrome should automatically pass along requests of this sort coming from a web page. So I just want to get rid of that after doing the redirect. Without the window.close(), this would successfully bring up the Skype meeting requested, but then leaves a blank tab open in Chrome. Luckily, it turns out the IE-specific magic within the target page ends up essentially building this URI that includes the original HTTPS request.) (The "conf:sip:" prefix forms the strange URI to get Windows to recognize the protocol for which the Skype app will accept the request. To help Chrome (my default browser) handle the sorts of hyperlinks related to Skype For Business meeting rooms at my workplace, I wrote a tampermonkey script like this: // =UserScript=